Journalist Request Policy

Categories:: Membership Press Posting Policies


We ask that journalists, bloggers, media outlets, writers, members, and friends or members contact Park Slope Parents administrators about getting information for a story, a pitch, and work-related research. 

Send a message to:

journalists [at]

These requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and must be related to parenting. In your request please give us your:

Topic of the story
The outlet you're writing for (e.g., name of the magazine, paper, website)
Your deadline: (we can try for a quick turn around but can't make promises)
Text of the message you'd like to post

Please return your request to the journalist address stating that you have read and agree to the guidelines below by writing AGREE TO INTEGRITY STATEMENT:
The privacy of our members, and the privacy of the discussion of the topics on PSP, is important to our membership. And it is because of our members' concerns about privacy that we ask you to take note.
--No posting on PSP can be excerpted in any form without the permission of its author. This is true whether you quote the author in your work, or not. We take this rule seriously.
---If you are reporting on PSP please keep in mind that although certain topics may appear inviting to use as illustrations about our membership in general -- Often following down that road, and generalizing about PSP or about parents in our area, can be misleading. Our membership is made up of over 2900 parents. They are a diverse group of individuals who live in and around Park Slope and Brooklyn.
PSP was formed in 2002 to be a resource for parenting in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Topics on PSP range far and wide but are typically related to raising children. Many new parents, and not so new parents, have found lots of help with their children on one topic or another on this group. It's important that they feel protected to speak freely about whatever concerns them. We hope you understand and respect our privacy policy as it relates specifically to journalists on PSP.


