Nanny Raises and More

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Wondering when you should give your nanny a raise?



In this article:

When it's been a year

When you have another child


When it’s been a year:

 According to data from the 2022 Nanny Survey, employers typically give yearly raises (most often $1.20/hr per year).

95% of families who have a nanny working for a year or more gave their nanny a bonus.
Of those who mention giving a bonus,  72% of employers paid 1 week’s pay as a bonus, 19% paid 2 weeks, with 14% paying a different amount.


When you have another child:

 The Park Slope Parents research shows that it’s typically $1-3 per kid for an increase for child #2.



You should also make sure that you give a raise that does not cancel out the annual raise (e.g., give a $1 raise for #2 at the same time the nanny should be getting an annual raise).


Words of wisdom:

"It sounds like $1-3 dollars per hour is the norm. We settled on $2 per hour with the understanding that an annual raise ($1 per hour) is coming up."

“If you want to be safe $2 is good. Some people come up with a “1 vs. 2 kid” pay that if you are taking care of the baby when the nanny is out with the older child the pay rate is a 1 kid rate. Once the baby goes with the older child the pay is the 2 kid rate. Some people can keep this all straight but I just paid the higher rate from the get go. My nanny brought my older daughter to the hospital the day I had #2. It was great!”

"Our nanny's year anniversary coincided with adding our second kid, so we raised her pay $3/hr to address both (and plan to do $1/hr pay raises in future years)."

 "Our nanny seems to think $1 is way too little an increase for a second child, but this is getting too expensive for us."

"I am due with my 2nd very soon [...] We will give her a raise at year end, plus the extra $1 for my 2nd once I am back at work around end Feb and she has 2 kids to handle. She'll have to handle getting our older daughter to nursery school part time and pickup with the little one in tow until next year when she is full time in pre-K. While I am on leave, I planned on paying her the same as now but probably reducing her hours a little, just because I won't need her as often during that period. We love our nanny and want to keep her really happy. I have been working longer hours the last month in anticipation of going out so I feel ok to give her a bit of a break now without a pay cut when I can. I think of her career with us as a marathon and don't want to be overly measured in her favor so that we don't have to be overly measured when it's in ours. I really couldn't have the job I do without her." 

"Similar situation here and similar logic. I just had baby #2, am home on mat leave and our nanny is due for a raise on Jan 1. I was planning to raise her by $2/hr ($1 for annual raise and $1 for 2nd child) starting Jan 1 even though I won't go back to work for a bit after that. While on mat leave I reduced her hours to 40, which is kind of the "full time" minimum, instead of 50 when I was working.  I have to say I'm really thankful to have her here 40 hours a week to take care of my 3 year old while I'm focusing on the baby, even though I'm home. 


Other ideas and situations:

"Our nanny is with us 4 years and instead of just offering her another raise this year which can really get costly we offered her 1 additional week vacation or 2% raise. She chose the extra week. 2% is not cost of living but frankly there have been many years where I have not gotten the full 3% increase at my job! So I feel it's fair but also what is doable for our family."

"Some people pay a different amount for a nanny taking care of 1 or 2 children. I found that to be confusing, but if one child goes to school and the other is at home you can get more creative with how you pay."


Other related information on Park Slope Parents


FAQs about the Nanny Relationship

FAQs about Hiring a Nanny

Maternity Leave for a Nanny

Nanny and Paid Vacation


Last updated: 8/2023

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Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only by Park Slope Parents and is not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. We recommend checking with a professional for specific advice.
