Help, Resources, and Advice for Stressed Out Parents, Post Partum Depression (PPD), and PMADs

Categories:: New Parent Big Stuff Mental Health Health & Illness Support

Are you feeling stressed out and feeling alone? Do you find yourself wondering if you could have post partum depression (PPD) or a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder (PMAD)? Here are a list of warning signs from the Post Partum Depression Center, as well as links to personal experiences and stories from local parents about how they deal with feelings of stress and depression. 


 Please note, for emergency help:

NYC Well   NYC Well – Talk. Text. Chat. 24/7 

1-800-NYC-WELL (800-692-9355)

If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, please call 911
Call 311 for information about free and low-cost services and hotlines in New York City.



Warning Signs of PPD


Support groups

On post pregnancy mood disorders & depression, etc

Public figures on PPD


Articles, videos, and documentaries from around the web


Support and further reading from Park Slope Parents:

Member-recommended therapists and support people for PMADs

Personal journeys - stories from our PSP Members about how they adjusted to life with baby from over the years

How to help a friend who is experiencing PPD


Warning Signs:

 According to the Motherhood Center, "60% and 80% of women experience what professionals describe as the “Baby Blues,” or feelings of exhaustion, irritation, and sadness after having given birth. These symptoms typically begin anywhere from one to three days post-delivery and may last between two and fourteen days. If your feelings persist past two weeks, however, contact a professional; you may be experiencing Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs)."

They also say that "more than 15% of women experience postpartum depression, perhaps even more given that the diagnosis goes highly unreported."

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you think you may have PPD:

 Do You…

  • Have trouble sleeping?
  • Find you’re exhausted most of the time?
  • Notice a decrease in your appetite?
  • Worry about little things that never used to bother you?
  • Wonder if you’ll ever have time to yourself again?
  • Think your children would be better off without you?
  • Worry that your husband will get tired of you feeling this way?
  • Snap at your husband and children over everything?
  • Think everyone else is a better mother than you are?
  • Cry over the slightest thing?
  • No longer enjoy the things you used to enjoy?
  • Isolate yourself from your friends and neighbors?
  • Fear leaving the house or being alone?
  • Have anxiety attacks?
  • Have unexplained anger?
  • Have difficulty concentrating?
  • Think something else is wrong with you or your marriage?
  • Feel like you will always feel this way and never get better?

 Many new mothers will experience some of these feelings.  If you answered yes to more than three of these questions, you may have postpartum depression (PPD).  PPD affects 20-30% of all postpartum women.  It is a real illness.  It is very treatable.  Do not deny yourself the opportunity to feel good again.  Do not let misinformation, uncertainty, shame, finances, embarrassment, or denial get in the way of you seeking the help you need.  Talk to your doctor.  Talk to your husband.  Once you decide to seek treatment, you will be on the road to feeling better…

The above is reprinted with permission from The Postpartum Stress Center, 1062 Lancaster Avenue, Suite 2, Rosemont, PA 19010.  Phone: 610-525-7527.

Get more advice here about PPD: 


 Support groups and people who can help:

 NYS Dept of Health: Perinatal Depression

 NYC Dept of Health And Mental Hygiene: Post-Partum Depression

 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS – National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline can help. Call or text 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746).

 Motherhood Center
The Motherhood Center recognizes that becoming a mom isn't always easy. Sometimes there can be moments of joy, but there can also be moments when you feel anxious or sad. If you have these feelings sometimes or a lot of the time, you are not alone, it's not your fault, and you will feel better with the right help. The Motherhood Center provides supportive services for new and expecting moms, including a range of treatment options for women suffering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs.)  Whether you are looking for a support group for new mothers, lactation consultation, individual therapy or more intensive services to help you feel better, The Motherhood Center offers something to every woman making the transition to parenthood.  Staffed by experienced professionals, they take an interdisciplinary approach to tackling pre- and post-natal care, PMADs, and everything in between.  Many of their support groups are on Zoom, others in person. 

 Brooklyn PPD Support,
Brooklyn PPD Support was established a peer-to-peer support group in Brooklyn in 2006 as a place where pregnant and postpartum women can get support if they think they are at risk for PPD or other perinatal mood disorder, are experiencing symptoms and need further help and resources, or are in the care of a therapist and want to attend the group as part of their treatment plan. The group is free, meets monthly, and babies are welcome to join us. Women are encouraged to attend for as many meetings as they feel are helpful, whether once for information or monthly for ongoing support. Please note that the function of this group is to provide a forum for the exchange of peer support. It does not replace care provided by a licensed mental health practitioner. Please understand that this is a closed group; only women experiencing symptoms of a perinatal mood disorder will be allowed to participate. Graduate students, researchers and well-meaning friends and partners may not sit in on meetings.  Participation is free but RSVPs are required. Brooklyn PPD Support  will give you the address details when you RSVP. Contact Molly Peryer (mollyatperyerdotorg; call 917-549-6012) or Chris Lindsay-Abaire (motherthemotherdotchrisatyahoodotcom; 917-771-6359).



Seleni Institute

The Seleni Institute is an independent nonprofit that works to destigmatize and transform the care landscape of maternal and family mental health. Seleni believes that changing a mother’s life, can change a child’s life. We do this through a hybrid approach that provides clinical services for individuals and families, and accredited training for healthcare practitioners.



 Postpartum Resource Center of New York
This is a self-help organization established to provide emotional support, educational information and healthcare and support group referrals to mothers suffering from prenatal and postpartum depression (PPD).

 Postpartum Support International   805-967-7637

 The Postpartum Stress Center

 Postpartum Education for Parents  805-564-3888

 The Online PPD Support Group

 The National Women's Health Information Center


A Mother's Postpartum Depression Bill of Rights:


 Public figures on PPD: 

 Brooke Shields:

Gwyneth Paltrow:

Courteney Cox:


 Articles & useful links from around the web:

Video and Documentaries:



  • Canopie  From a member: "PPD is a really challenging topic and something that many of us find hard to talk about. I came across a really interesting app Canopie that has helped with better navigating my feelings."


Disclaimer:  These posts have not been checked for accuracy but are instead listed to show the complexity and emotionality of PPD. The content is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for mental health and medical advice. is not intended to, and does not, provide mental health and medical advice diagnosis or treatment.  Never disregard professional medical and mental health advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on the PSP Groups or on the web site.  
