Resources for LGBTQI+ Parents

Category: Support

Find resources and support for LGBTQI+ parents, including crisis hotlines, local and national organizations, healthcare help, and legal help.

Find resources for supporting our LGBTQI+ children here

Did you know Park Slope Parents has an LGBTQ+ Group for queer parents and families to connect and share resources? If you're a PSP member, head here, log in, and check the box to join. If you're not yet a member, learn more and join us today!

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LGBT National Help Center
"Utilizing a diverse group of LGBT volunteers, we operate three national hotlines, the LGBT National Hotline, the LGBT National Youth Talkline, and the LGBT National Senior Hotline as well as private, volunteer one-to-one online chat, that helps both youth and adults with coming-out issues, safer-sex information, school bullying, family concerns, relationship problems and a lot more.


The Trevor Project
Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.


Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. Our vision is to fight the epidemic of trans suicide and improve overall life-outcomes of trans people by facilitating justice-oriented, collective community aid.


The Center
208 W. 13th Street, New York, NY
The Center also organizes monthly playdays for families.


Brooklyn Community Pride Center 
The Brooklyn Community Pride Center provides a safe, common space offering physical and mental health services, social support, recreational and cultural programming, as well as being a hub of information for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and families in Brooklyn.


Ackerman Institute for the Family's Gender & Family Project 
The Gender and Family Project empowers families of gender nonconforming and transgender children and adolescents by offering affirmative clinical services, professional training and community building. GFP also promotes gender inclusivity as a form of social justice in all the systems involved in the life of the family.


PFlAG New York City  
Parents, families and friends of Lesbians and Gays of New York City (PFLAG NYC) is the founding chapter of PFLAG, the nation's foremost family-based organization committed to the civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

PFLAG NYC meetings take place at community locations throughout New York City. No support group meetings take place at the PFLAG NYC office. Click here for information on current meeting locations. 

There is also a confidential helpline at 212-463-0629 which is available for persons who need information and support. Leave your name, phone number, and the best times to call, a PFLAG NYC support volunteer will call you back. The volunteer will not reveal the purpose of the call to anyone else who answers the phone.


New York State Office of Children and Family Services
This page has resources for LGBTQI+ Youth. 
This page has resources for parents of LGBTQI+ Youth. 


Anti-Violence Project 
AVP empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy.


New York City Bisexual Network 
The New York Area Bisexual Network serves as a central communications network for Bisexual & Bi-Friendly Groups and Resources in all five borough's of NYC and the surrounding Tri-state area. 
Facebook here. 


The Alliance
The Alliance helps New Yorkers living with HIV and other chronic health conditions get the medical care, peer support, and housing assistance they need to achieve health, happiness, and stability.



Callen-Lorde Community Health Center provides sensitive, quality healthcare and related services targeted to New York's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.


Founded in 1986, Pride Institute is the nation's first and leading provider of residential and outpatient treatment programs devoted to treating addiction and the mental health needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Based in Minnesota.


Since 1980, Advocates for Youth has worked with youth leaders to ensure that all young people's rights are respected and that we have the tools we need to protect ourselves from STIs, HIV, and unintended pregnancy.



American Psychological Association
This APA publication is provided for the use of clinicians, researchers, students, lawyers, and parents involved in legal and policy issues related to lesbian and gay parenting.


A Better Balance 
Know your FMLA rights.


Lambda Legal
Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.


The Center for HIV Law and Policy: The Center for HIV Law and Policy: 
The Center for HIV Law and Policy (CHLP) challenges barriers to the rights and health of people affected by HIV through legal advocacy, high-impact policy initiatives, and creation of cross-issue partnerships, networks and resources. We support movement building that amplifies the power of individuals and communities to mobilize for change that is rooted in racial, gender and economic justice.



LGBT Families

LGBT Families was created to become a leading resource in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered community for those seeking to expand their own families through adoption, foster care, surrogacy and fertility.


National Center for Transgender Equality 
The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation's capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.


It's Conceivable
Provides resources & direction for every step of the conception process.


Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (Colage)  
COLAGE unites people with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer parents into a network of peers and supports them as they nurture and empower each other to be skilled, self-confident, and just leaders in our collective communities.


Family Equality Council 
Family Equality Council is changing attitudes and policies to ensure all families are respected, loved, and celebrated - especially families with parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.


Proud Parenting 
News on LGBTQI+ parenting. 


Gay Parent Magazine Support Groups 
Gay Parent Magazine's focus is to support and empower LGBTQ parents and LGBTQs wishing to become first time parents.


The Next Family 
The Next Family is a diverse community where modern families meet. It is the start of an on-going, open-minded and sincere dialog between urbanite families, adoptive families, in vitro parents, interracial families, same sex parents, single parents and so on. 


Every day GLSEN works to ensure that LGBTQ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. 


GSA Network
GSA Network is a next-generation LGBTQ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.


TYFA empowers children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities, to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected.


ACT UP — the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power — is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals, united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis. We meet with government officials, we distribute the latest medical information, we protest and demonstrate. We are not silent.


Resources for the Aging LGBTQ+ Community: Healthcare, Financial Planning, & Long Term-Care
Finding access to quality care is difficult for many people and an even greater issue for older members of the LGBTQ+ community as the natural concerns of aging begin to arise. Family members, friends, healthcare professionals, and caregivers are all in positions to invoke change as they are those working with and caring for this population. This resource aims to provide the LGBTQ+ population the care and treatment they deserve by sharing information on the LGBTQ+ health disparities, financial planning, estate planning, and long term care options.


Guide to Completing the FAFSA for LGBT Families 


Guide to Navigating Home Insurance Without Discrimination as an LGBTQ Individual 
Even with the legalization of same-sex marriage and various anti-discrimination laws in place, the LGBTQ community still battles considerable prejudice in many areas, the insurance industry being one of them.


  • Ways to identify an LGBTQ friendly provider
  • Legal, lending and Real Estate resources
  • LGBTQ friendly insurers