Support, tips and advice for parents and children in need


Expectant Parents Mental Health Check-In with The Motherhood Center

Park Slope Parents and The Motherhood Center have been holding mental health check-ins for expectant parents since 2020. The article below is a summary of many of these webinars.  The information below will help prepare you for what may be your reality with your new baby vs. the idealized expectations that some people do not experience during childbirth and in their baby's first year. 

For more, check out the Park Slope Parents Birthing Toolkit,


PSP Presents: Ask the Experts

PSP is helping get out the latest COVID 19 information to people with our Ask The Expert series. These are Q & A sessions with our members, posted to Youtube. See below for our videos thus far. 


Resources for Cancer Warriors

From support groups and organizations to websites dedicated to coping with cancer, here are resources to be a warrior, as recommended by Park Slope Parents members!

NOTE: We also have a wonderfully supportive Illness/Cancer Warriors group on Park Slope Parents. If you're not a member yet, JOIN HERE. If you are already a member, send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....

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The New Normal: Parenting Tweens & Teens in Uncertain Times, a PSP Webinar with Fara Jones, LCSW

PSP hosted a webinar with teen-whisperer Fara Jones to help parents reset our preconceived notions about adolescence and offer strategies to cope with what's coming next. From technology to schooling to routines, Fara discussed how this uncertain world is affecting every strata of teendom and the best ways to help.

To get access to more events like this one, and to bond with fellow Brooklyn parents going through the teen-raising journey,join


Encouragement after Multiple Miscarriages

Encouragement for someone who has had more than one miscarriage.

Advice for after a miscarriage

 Summary of what to do for a dear friend who miscarried in her second trimester.


PSP Decision-Making During COVID, for Parents of Babies & Toddlers

Park Slope Parents recently hosted a webinar with Samuel Jeannite, PsyD, and Mandi White-Ajmani, PhD, of Small Brooklyn Psychology. Dr. Sam and Dr. Mandi shared some insight on acknowledging the realities of Covid-19, approaching the decision-making process, and reaching a conclusion that works for your family.

Read on for their wisdom—and to get access to more webinars like these, join Park Slope Parents HERE!


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Managing Transition, Back-To-School During Covid: A PSP Coping Webinar

Park Slope Parents hosted a Coping Webinar with Dr. Nanika Coor on managing the transition to school (whatever that looks like)for our kids. Here are some notes and resources that came out of her webinar.

Dr. Coor started with a reminder to hold space for ourselves and for what we have been through over the past five months; it’s a lot. There’s more to come, but being mindful of what we’ve endured and how we’ve been successful so far (even if it


What To Do With The Nanny When The Family Gets Sick

What do you do with your nanny when the whole family gets sick? Here, PSP members share how they handled it.

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Insight into Adolescence with Michael Davidovits, PhD, LCSW

Dr. Michael Davidovits, one of PSP's trusted experts in child and adolescent psychology, joined us for a webinar and shared insight into our tweens and teens through the filter of this challenging year.

Are you a parent in Brooklyn? Join PSP today to connect with our Tweens & Teens Group and build your support network. Already a member? Join the Tweens & Teens group here.



PSP Mental Health Check-In: STILL HOME for the Holidays with Joey Ackerman, LCSW-R

Park Slope Parents hosted a webinar with Joey Ackerman, LCSW-R, who shared wisdom on handling the realities of this holiday season and accepting the challenging emotions it may bring.

To get access to more events like this one, and to find solidarity with other parents in Brooklyn navigating life and raising kids during the pandemic, join the Park Slope Parents community today!



How to Handle Holiday Stress

Christmas can bring more than presents, cookies and Santa Claus. With it can come stress, worry and anxiousness.  It's easy to get overwhelmed by the Holiday buzz and feel like yourself spinning out of control.

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Support for the Loss of a Partner

PSP members have shared resources and words of solidarity for those going through the death of a life partner.


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Meaningful Memorial Gifts + How to Memorialize a Loved One

Ideas for thoughtful and meaningful memorials when supporting friends or honoring your own loved ones.

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Talking to your kids about shootings

This article was written in response to the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting and has been continuously updated since then.

Books About All The Different Kinds Of Wonderful Families

Here is a recommendended list of books for kids that feature all types of wonderful families.  If you have any you would like to add, email us at hello@parkslopeparents.

Park Slope Parents has groups for Single/Divorced/Separated parents, Single Parents by Choice, LGBTQ+ parents, Blended Families, and more. If you're not yet a member, join us today!

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Resources for Coping with Tragedy

“The very worst part of grief is that you can't control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes. And let it go when we can.” —Grey’s Anatomy.

Below are resources to help children and families cope with traumatic events in the family, community, and world.

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Helping Others Through Tough Times

It really sucks when a friend is going through something incredibly challenging like an illness, miscarriage/still born, or the death of a family member. You want to help but don't know how. Here are suggestions from Park Slope Parents about ways to help others.


Immigration Resources

You can be an ally for nannies, house cleaners, and others who are dealing with immigration and deportation issues. As one PSP member shares, "I saw my house cleaner and her account of the worry, fear and uncertainty highlighted the need for employers to do what they can to help." Here are resources of people who can help and what YOU can do to help our vulnerable community.

Supporting our LGBTQ children

Resources recommended by PSP members for parents who want to know how to best support their LGBTQ children

How to tell children they were conceived through IVF?

Was your child conceived through IVF? Here, members discusses their children where they came from.


Wisdom/support for serious marital rough patch

Advice from PSP members about dealing with rough patches in a marriage/partnership.

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Resources for LGBTQI+ Parents

Find resources and support for LGBTQI+ parents, including crisis hotlines, local and national organizations, healthcare help, and legal help.

Find resources for supporting our LGBTQI+ children here

Did you know Park Slope Parents has an LGBTQ+ Group for queer parents and families to connect and share resources? If you're a PSP member, head here, log in, and check the box to join. If you're not yet a member, learn more and join us today!

Domestic Violence: You or someone you know hurting?

By posting this video, “Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why domestic violence victims don't leave” the probability that this hits home for at least one of you is 100%. That makes it worth posting to everyone, asking you to watch, and if it makes just one of you reach out for yourself or to a friend you suspect is being abused it will be a message well posted


Resources for Domestic Violence & Abuse

This page provides information and resources including shelters, support groups, and organizations dedicated to helping adults and children in abusive relationships.

In the event of an emergency, always call 911.

The PSP Resources & Support Section

Be sure to join one our Specialty or Tough Stuff Groups to talk with other local Parents who are dealing with similar issues.

In the PSP Resources & Support Section you will find articles on the following:


Resources for Parents Under Stress

Parenting can be hard, especially with a limited support system. PSP can help by providing a community of neighbors who’ve been there and done that. Still, sometimes you need more than like-minded fellow parents. Many of us have times when we need professional assistance (for the good of our whole families).  If you are feeling like you need professional help, here are some resources to turn to...


Helping a friend with postpartum depression: "How can I be a good friend?"

A PSP parent asked their group what they can do to help a friend with postpartum depression. Also known as PPD or postnatal depression, postpartum depression is a condition a parent may suffer from following childbirth. There is no single cause but it often results from a combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to parenthood and fatigue.

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What to Bring a Friend with Bed Rest

A PSP member writes: “looking for ideas on what to bring to someone on bedrest (in this case at a hospital, but it could be any bedrest). If you were on bedrest, what were good things that folks brought you?”

image: The Invalid by Louis Lang, in the Brooklyn Museum

Support Groups for Coping with Cancer

In this section you will find local organizations offering support groups & meetings to help cope with the emotionality of cancer. If you know of any more to add to the list, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Resources to talk to a child or teen about cancer

Looking for advice on how to talk with children about a friend or loved one diagnosed with Cancer?  In this article you will find tips, guides, and books on how to handle this complex and emotional topic.

How a child's class can help a student sick with cancer

Tips for how a sick child's classroom can  helping and supporting a child who is in and out of the hospital with cancer

