Birthing Affirmations

Things to visualize and think about as you go through labor to help you cope with pain and fear.


Thinking positive thoughts while you are in labor is a great way to reassure yourself that all is well and make your transition from labor to birthing as smooth as possible.  Consider reading these, reciting these or having other people read them to you when you are in labor, but practice beforehand.

I gathered these affirmations from many different sources-- some hypnobirthing tapes I had and have since given away, the creative visualization books I read as a college student, systematic de-sensitization courses I taught to college kids terrified of public speaking,  as well as the yoga classes I used to teach.  They helped me during my 13 hours of back labor and my eventual VBAC.  Use any of these that may feel comfortable to you.

To prepare yourself for labor make sure to relax and do these affirmations beforehand. Much like 'systematic desentization,' where you teach your body to relax through stressful situations, you do the same thing here. If you teach your body what to do to prepare for birth, it will come much easier.

One of the things that my Bradley classes taught me was that in our society pain is equated with something "wrong" and to be feared.  If you can get over this and understand that your body, in labor, has got to open up enough to let your baby go through your birth canal.  It's painful, but it's perfectly natural.

First, make sure to relax. Focus on a special place. This could be an imaginary place like a meadow, or a real place like your favorite chair with a fresh warm towel on you. Make sure it's a place that you feel free of tension and protected.

Once you feel very relaxed, then you can start saying these affirmations.

  • I put all fear aside as prepare for the birth of my baby.
  • I am relaxed and happy that my baby is finally coming to me.
  • I am focused on a smooth easy birth.
  • I trust my body to know what it is to do.
  • My mind is relaxed and my body is relaxed.
  • I feel confident, I feel safe and I feel secure.
  • My muscles work in complete harmony to make birthing easier.
  • I feel a natural anesthesia flowing through my body.
  • I relax as we move quickly and easily through each stage of birth.
  • My cervix opens outward allowing my baby to ease down.
  • I fully relax and turn my birthing over to nature.
  • I see my baby coming smoothly from my womb.
  • I breathe deeply and eliminate tension.
  • My baby’s birth will be easy because I am so relaxed.
  • I feel my body gently swaying with relaxation.
  • I turn my birthing over to my baby and my body.
  • I am prepared to meet whatever turns my birthing takes.
  • My baby moves gently along on its journey.
  • Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me.
  • I deepen my relaxation as I move further into labor.
  • I am totally relaxed and at ease.
  • My body remains limp and still.
  • I meet each surge with only my breath and my body is at ease.
  • I release my birthing over to my body and my baby
  • I slowly breathe out with each surge
  • I put all fear aside and welcome my baby with happiness and joy
  • I feel good and I am beautiful inside and out.
  • Waiting for the birth of my baby is an experience of serene joy
  • My relaxations help me experience my pregnancy with trust and confidence
  • With each deep breath I feel better and better
  • My breathe breeds me and life breeds me with confidence
  • I trust that my baby has a calm and serene birth, that it happens quickly and brings me much joy
  • I am preparing for my babies birth with all of my body and all of my soul.
  • The same love and desire I feel towards life I feel towards my baby’s birth.
  • After this period, it will be easy to give birth because
  • I breathe deeply and I am calm.
  • I relax and the baby relaxes with me.
  • The baby is born joyfully and without pain because I am relaxed.
  • I will do it, I can do it, it is as if I have already done it
  • My baby feels my serenity and my joy of life; my baby feels my love.
  • I am loved and my baby is loved
  • I am good mother and I feel a deep love for my baby
  • I am a good guide for my baby.
  • My baby trusts me and I trust my body
  • I have great confidence in my birthing companion’s ability to help me and be my guide

After birth:

  • I already feel more beautiful, absolutely beautiful
  • I have great trust in my self and my capabilities
  • Childbirth is a healthy and normal event
  • My body is my friend
  • I trust my body to labor smoothly and efficiently
  • I am able to birth in harmony with nature, in the best possible way for my baby and myself
  • My baby and I are working harmoniously together.  We are grateful for this powerful experience
  • The strength of my contractions is an expression of my feminine power.
  • I fully feel the force of my new life within me.
  • I allow myself to celebrate the birth of my child with every sensation that I feel.
  • I am giving my baby the very best start in life.
  • The power of birth strengthens me, my child and my partner

There are hypno-birthing CDs you can buy to help you with these.


