
Partner Parenting

Studies show that women still do more household chores than their partner, including childcare and maintenance. Some call it the invisible workload; others refer to it as the household gender gap or the second shift. Interesting data can be found elsewhere (like this 2016 Huffington Post article) and PSP members have plenty of anecdotal evidence. PSP members alsohave useful tips and advice about how they distributed childcare tasks. This article

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How to Get Kids Out of Bed in the Morning

Wondering how to get your kid out of bed in the morning? You are not alone with this problem! Here, PSP parents share how they successfully get their teen/tween out of bed in the morning.

Time Saving Tips To Get Out Of The House On Time

Parents share their tips for getting out of the house on time as easily, quickly, calmly, and pain-free as possible.

Tips for Getting to School on Time

Tips for getting to school on time and suggestions of what your "routine" should look like.

