This section discusses the issues and topics that mothers face in the workplace.

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Co-sleeping and Returning to Work

The following thread originally appeared on our Working Moms Group about how to transition from a bed-sharing situation with your little one and returning to work.. Be sure to check out more general advice from PSP members about co-sleeping here!

How to Make Work and Two Kids Work

A parent asks the Working Moms Specialty Group how they manage working and transitioning from one kid to two...


Working Moms Pep Talk

When one mother wrote to the group worried about going back to work, positive responses came pouring in. Here, we pulled together their replies. In sum: you got this!


Separation Anxiety with Baby: Adjusting to Nanny

Working moms talk about how their baby adjusted to nanny and overcoming baby’s separation anxiety.


PSP's Guide to an Awesome Resume

We share our resumes do’s and don’ts - plus advice from PSP members about how SAHMs handle the employment gap when they transition back to the work force.


How to Tell Your Spouse You Don't Want to Work With Them

In these tough economic times where the job market is hard, sometimes you want your partner wants you to help work your connections for them and get them a job. But what happens when you don't want to work with them? Here is one member's story, and the advice she received about how to handle it.

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How to Stay Organized and Get Focused

Parents share how they get organized at work (and also at home) and talk tips, strategies and more about how to stay focused on the job.

We Can Do It

Work/Life Balance—The Conversation Begins

One simple question on one of the PSP lists about starting a new job after maternity leave evolved from a conversation of practical advice to an engaging dialogue about the political system, social dilemmas, and work culture policies surrounding and impacting parenthood. This summary pulls both the practical tips and political critique that came out of this lively conversations...


Can working parents realistically pick up their children from daycare/preschool at 6pm?

A PSP member asks the group how working parents can realistically pick up children from daycare by 6pm.  Members share their experiences of how they manage busy work schedules with strict pick up times.


Back-to-Work Anxiety

A mom faces a return to work with deeply mixed feelings.  Some advice on how to navigate this transition.


PSP Member Discussion: Work life balance and liking what you Do?

The Park Slope Parents’ Law specialty group discussed how to maintain a work life balance in an industry notorious for its long and demanding hours.


Decompressing: How to Unwind After Work

It can be very difficult to switch gears and avoid bringing work anxiety home with you, especially depending on your job and your commute. How do working parents unwind and let go of job-related stress? Here are tips from PSP working parents.


How to Negotiate Work Life Balance When Job Hunting

From setting up creative work schedules like coming in early, working from home, after bedtimes, Moms from the PSP Working Mothers group talk tips about how to find, negotiate and juggle the Work/ Life Balance.


Back To Work With a Baby

Here are some tips, words of wisdom, and general advice from Park Slope parents on how to make the transition back to work with a baby as smooth and as stress free as possible…


Mat Leave Tips for Motivated Moms

Do you consider yourself Type A? Have you been angling for overtime and promotions since your teenage years? Is it hard to remember the last time you took PTO? If you’re a bit of a self-professed careerist, you may be concerned about jeopardizing your professional advancement while on maternity leave. Fortunately, fellow working moms are here to offer wisdom and solace. (Spoiler alert: Yes, it is possible to take full advantage of your mat leave


Work affirmations: "So happy to be back at work!"

 One PSP parent shared an observation to their group that kickstarted an awesome dialogue. They wrote: “Overall, it feels like the majority of messages I've received from all directions say that when you go back to work, you'll hate your job and feel distracted and guilty all day that you aren't with your baby. That it'll be impossible to be in a different location than your sweet baby angel all day. After hearing this so often, I really started


Dealing with After School Guilt

Parents talk about putting their children in after school programs, and how to help a kiddo who might feel lonely or left out because of it.

Changing Jobs

Balancing work and babies is no easy feat. Feeling compromised inevitably comes up. These emotions might feel more apparent when it’s a job you don’t love, or you don’t feel challenged anymore. It’s tempting to consider switching jobs, but that decision has it’s own set of unique issues: does it make sense to stay in a job that lets you focus on your kids? Are you risking your career by letting your stalling professional growth?
Parents on the


How to Welcome a First-time Mom Back to Work

Awesome ideas for how to welcome your colleague returning from parental leave...


Advice for Interviews Regarding Family Friendly Policies

Members share their experiences in finding employers who are family-friendly...

Starting a new job after maternity leave

New baby, new job? PSP members share what they learned about handling this. 

Should I Tell My Boss I'm Pregnant?

Pregnant and considering applying for that promotion at work? PSP working mothers debate the ethics of whether to disclose or not to disclose during the interviewing process.

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Should I take a break from work?

PSP working mothers talk about taking a break from work. This article summarizes two exchanges on our PSP forums, one discussion (2014) with a parent working part-time and deciding whether she should stop, and another thread (2017) about one mother on maternity leave who is debating whether she should return to her job

Missing Firsts

PSP working moms talk about "missing firsts" - first steps, first words, first swing set rides... Here, parents share their tips for dealing with the fear of missing out!


12 Tips to Help With Separation Anxiety

Teary goodbyes—complete with clinging, screams & tantrums—are common, and as a parent, it can be very upsetting to see your little one so sad to see you go. Here are tips Park Slope Parents has picked up from members who have had to deal with this phase in their child’s development.

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Pumping At Work Tips for Breast Feeding Moms

Moms who pump at work are more and more a routine part of today's workplace. Here are some valuable tips for new moms from our network of seasoned pumping pros. Also includes advice on what to wear, scheduling, storage and transportation, and more.


The Real "I Don't Know How She Does It" Moms

PSP working moms talk about how to get it all done. Read their tips, parenting hacks, and not so well kept secrets about how to balance the dinners, the packed lunches, the PTA meetings, kids afterschool classes, work, working out, grocery shopping, and more.

Balancing Work Travel and Parenting

Working parents talk about how to balance working, traveling and being a parent.

The Impossible Juggling Act: Motherhood and Work

In one of our Baby Groups, moms talked about “having it all” – or rather, debated the realities and the myths surrounding it. One working mother shared this poignant piece by Anne Marie Slaughter (read the full text over on The Atlantic), sparking an interesting debate in the group. This article summarizes snippets of this thought provoking topic and the hot button issues it presses.

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Negotiating Hours at Work

You’ve found a dream job, but maybe not a dream schedule. How do you negotiate the hours you want?

