Pregnancy & Baby Group Resources - How to Make the Most of your Group

Make your baby group a family resource!

Want to join a Park Slope Parents Baby Group? Find out more information HERE.



1. Meet up with your Baby Group!

Be sure to check out the PSP Guide to Organizing a Meetup here. Read parent suggestions for a Baby Friendly Meet Up Locations HERE.


2. Interested in babysitting swapping?

Learn about how your baby group can form a babysitting co-op: HERE.


3. Get Organized!

Create an online calendar of events that your fellow baby group members can add to. It can include free events and classes that members enjoy. If you're creating an event that might benefit from RSVPs, contact us! We'll tie into our online events calendar and save you the hassle. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


4. Pool Together Your Groups Resources.

Have a box of outgrown diapers or outgrown clothes? Offer them up to other members! How about toys that have sat around or no longer entertain your child? Swap toys and gain something new!


5. Throw a Baby Group Birthday Bonanza!  

Invite the whole crew, find a spot with lots of space, and let the kids roam while you celebrate making it to a milestone (6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc). This is also a great way to help squelch guilt in being able to invite 30 moms to your child's party.


6. Start a preschool coop together

Read the PSP Guide to Starting a Preschool co-op HERE.


7. Don't spam your group with commercial messages.

 Want to share information about a local business to your Baby Group? Be sure to read PSP's policy about this HERE.


image via Flickr, thanks to a Creative Commons License


