How to Donate Breast Milk

So your freezer is starting to get full and you are wondering what to do with all that breast milk. Is donation an option? Here are some tips from local parents.

Important Note from Park Slope Parents: Please note that milk collected and donated privately generally does not meet the standards of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. These standards may be reviewed at the organization's website.


See also this FDC resource: Use of Human Donor Milk.


Breast milk donation–related organizations

Note: Each organization has standards of what they accept from milk donations, include things like adequate temperature storage, you and your baby’s health, and even time spent living abroad.

National Milk Bank Organization, an affiliate of Prolacta Bioscience

The Human Milk Banking Association of North America

Only the Breast

The Kind Life

The New York Milk Bank


Further reading online

Breast Milk Donated or Sold Online is Often Tainted, Study Says, via The New York Times

Buying Breast Milk From Strangers On The Internet Is Not a Good Idea, via Slate

Milk Donation and Sharing, via La Leche League


Does Park Slope Parents allow posts about Donating or ISO Breastmilk?

No. Please review our posting policies here.


Related reading on PSP

Maintaining your Breastmilk Supply

Tips About Pumping While Traveling and Flying with Breast Milk

Breastfeeding Support Groups

Breastfeeding Struggles

The PSP Shopping List: Best Breast Pumps

All Breastfeeding & Pumping articles


