Help for Diaper Rash

Tips from parents who have been there, done that on how to help kiddos suffering from diaper rash.

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Important Message from Park Slope Parents (PSP): Just a reminder, PSP member posts are not checked for accuracy. The content is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. is not intended to, and does not, provide medical advice diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on the PSP groups or on the website.


One parent asked on a January 2021 thread:


“Hoping for some tips or insight...I have a 2 week old baby who is developing diaper rash. She has always seemed to be sensitive and will cry as soon as her diaper is wet or soiled so we end up changing her diaper as soon as she has gone, which makes for a lot of changes. 


Despite this fact, she recently started getting a little red on her bum and is clearly uncomfortable down there. I have Boudreaux’s butt paste I’ve been using the last couple days which doesn’t seem to be helping and doesn’t seem to be staying on well to protect the bottom...I have been using pampers swaddlers and just switched to the pampers pure, but now have ordered babyganics ultra absorbent diapers in hopes maybe something from the diapers were bothering her and ones free of chemicals will help. 


Just wondering if anyone else has had a baby with very sensitive skin and can help me figure out what to do since frequent changes and the diaper cream don’t seem to be helping. Also started doing some open air time last night in hopes letting it breath will help. 


Thanks for any suggestions or advice! Struggling with seeing her in pain and not knowing how to help…”


Suggestions included:


Aquaphor. “We use Aquaphor Healing Ointment and it’s great. Rash is usually gone in a few hours, and following our pediatrician’s recommendation we started using it every diaper change and never had another case of diaper rash.”


“Just a note to add we also swear by Aquaphor baby healing ointment.”


“We had a very sensitive kiddo. We used Aquaphor when we had rashes and we used Burts Bees diaper cream for when we had no rashes. It was expensive but worth it.”


“Butt out” time, oatmeal baths, and cream. “Oh so sorry for this added stress! Ours wasn’t particularly extra sensitive but we still had our fair share of rash. Tons of butt out time, oatmeal baths, and ultimately Desitin and A&D were our saving grace. For reference we use cloth diapers and the worst rash was during an episode of 6+ poops a day around five months. The oatmeal bath really made a difference.”


“We also gave him as much diaper-free time as possible. Of course this isn't really doable when you're out and about, but when you're home, go diaper-free whenever you can. Put an old towel or cloth diaper under the baby, and be ready to do laundry often... The air circulating on the rash really helps.”


“Let it breathe (oxygen / no diaper) and if you are breastfeeding put a little expressed breastmilk on it and let it air-dry :) hope this helps!”


Balmex. “My daughter had persistent diaper rash that baffled even her pediatrician at the time. We tried many things to remedy and Balmex cured it. I now include it in baby gift packages.”


Vaseline. “We switched from diaper cream to Vaseline and have been pretty much rash free. The nurses at the hospital recommended Vaseline and we like that it’s not so sticky. We apply it after every changing. Good luck and congrats!!”


“We also liberally used Boudreaux's Butt Paste, Desitin, and other similar ointments (on our pediatrician's advice). Later, we learned that these pastes are irritants on open skin. They are good if the skin is not broken (like in the very early stage of a rash, or as a preventative), but they are not good if the skin is broken. In the case of a more advanced rash, it's better to use Vaseline or Aquaphor. Once we figured this out, we put Vaseline on our kid's butt CONSTANTLY.”



Triple Paste. "We have found it to be far & away the most effective cure for diaper rash. (Cures everything except yeast rash.)"


Alternatives to conventional wipes. “We switched to cloth wipes (washable flannel wipes, ordered online) and liniment oil for cleaning, instead of commercial wipes. This was absolutely crucial. You can order liniment online, or I can send you the Youtube video and ingredient source we use to make it at home. This was on the recommendation of French friends, who had grown up with liniment, and helped SO much.”


“We also cloth diapered so we used just wet flannel wipes when we wiped or even just poured water on her. When we were out we only used Water Wipes. 


One of my kiddos was ok with Babyganics and the other was only ok with Seventh Gen when we did disposables.”


“We’ve been using two pumps of la petite creme (a thin olive oil and beeswax liquid) at every diaper change after wiping and it forms a super thin barrier to prevent any wetness from irritating. Have yet to get a diaper rash (not sure how unusual that is?) and our 1 year old poops every meal. The brand is touted as ‘replacement’ for wipes but we use water wipes as well.”


“I was told by our sons GI that we should use water wipes but also wash his butt in the sink after every poop and use a&d after. This healed the rash and kept it away.”



"Use mineral oil in a peri bottle (like the ones you get from the hospital after giving birth). Squirt on diaper area and use a cotton cloth to gently wipe clean. I’ve also heard from other moms that they have had success with no wiping with any wipes for diapers that only have pee in them as sometimes the friction from the wipes is the culprit."


Avoiding tight diapers. “Lots of great ideas! I think one idea that hasn’t been mentioned is to avoid a tight diaper. I would go with the next size if I could do this and avoid leaking. Also, lots of rash creams have fragrance (I think Desitin and A&D), so avoid those for sensitive skin.”


Checking with a professional to rule out possible causes. “I’m so sorry to hear this! I would personally bring it up with the pediatrician to make sure it isn’t a sensitivity to something you are eating etc. or fungal.” 


More ideas for diaper rash creams and remedies from a 2017 thread...


“I've had a good experience with Little Prana Bum Butter.”


“Try epsom salt baths and lots of naked time to air the area out.”


“I love Super Salve baby products. 


The butt cream is great, and we also use the 15 spf power repair sunscreen as a buttcream since it is just zinc based. The baby oil is amazing after a bath. We got them both at the Coop. Btw I love the whole power repair line on my face.”


“We use Baby’s Bottom Butter from Lavender Moon Herb Gardens, it’s a small shop in Honeoye Falls, New York that grows their own herbs and makes all their blends by hand. My Mom has shopped there for years and knows the woman who owns it and makes the products herself by hand. I’m from the area and I always try to drop by when I’m in town because they are so nice. Doesn’t get more natural, local or shopping small than this!


It sounds implausible but when our daughter comes home from daycare a little rashy, this takes care of it right away. It’s the only stuff we use on her diaper area.”


“The thing that always does the trick for us is Weleda calendula diaper cream.


If things are really bad a paste of potato starch and rose water is really soothing and creates a good barrier (also fun for sensory play :) )


Best to rule out yeast as a cause before using the starch though.”


“Pure Shea butter!!”


“We've used and loved both the Diaperkind products (coco balm and rash relief cream).”


“Once or twice a year I make a big batch of this healing salve recipe that I found online and absolutely swear by it for diaper rash and just about everything else.


Once you make a big batch of it and have a bunch of jars lying around it makes for great holiday gifts too. :)”



