When the Kids Are Sick: Smart Tactics

Quick tips for what to do on Sick Days

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Illness is a drag for everyone. It's disorienting for children who can't always comprehend what's happening to them and sometimes scary for adults. We know about colds and flu but it's still hard to see a child go from lively and energetic to warm and wimpering in the space of a day. And then there's the disruption to our routine: late nights spent sitting up with the feverish one, juggling of work schedules, picking up and dropping off, etc. The things we need to do don't go away. We still need do all the things we normally - only now we need to take care of a sick kid on top of it all. What's a parent to do?

One, just accept it. You're not going to be terribly productive and you'll spend days catching up. The best bet is to do what you can to help your child recover and fit in everything else in any down time. Here are Susan Fox's top ten ideas ranging from super low key for children who just need to rest to though with it enough to feel bored but not well enough to carry on as normal. And while you don't need to spend every second with a sick kid, even a little time with mom or dad is a great comfort.


1. Watch TV

2. Play on the computer

3. Sleep

4. Organize toys (empower kids to find places themselves for things)

5. Read Books

6. listen to YOUR favorite music and explain why they are your favorite

7. Go to a crafts website (e.g., FreeStuff4kids) and download things to color, draw, puzzles to do

8. Ask a friend to go to the dollar store (G & E on 5th Ave btw 14th and 15th) and get stamps and stamp pad, markers, stickers, pipe cleaners (you should put one of your creations as the photo)

9. Cuddle with them and tell them their birth story, that they are going to be okay, that you love them, and that they are special

10. Do a load of towels and put hot towels fresh from the dryer on them and watch how fast they fall asleep.\

11. Get outside - even if it's on the stoop - fresh air can do a world of good.



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