Being a Good Steward of our NYC Parks

 Here's a checklist to help you do your part in keeping Prospect Park (and our other wonderful Brooklyn parks) safe, healthy, and thriving!

Keep your dogs leashed during ON-leash hours and in the designated areas. In Prospect Park, those three areas are the Long Meadow, Nethermead, and Peninsula grassy area.

Don’t litter. Self-explanatory! If you're picnicking or hanging out in the park, make sure to bring a garbage bag so you can carry out everything you take in.

Pick up trash if you can. One idea is to bring kitchen tongs and garbage bags to help pick things up. You'll be doing a great service to the park and its dedicated workers!

And of course, if you can donate to keep the park strong, please do so. You can become a member and get some great perks like invites to special events, extra boat and bicycle rental hours, and unlimited carousel rides for up to four.

We are so very lucky to have great parks in Brooklyn, and they can always use more support!


