Everything You Need to Know About DIY Giant Bubbles and Face Painting

Park Slope Parents is known around town for bringing our giant bubbles and face stamps to events, and a few people have asked us for more information about how to make bubbles and rainbow paints happen on their own. We have info to help make you a super pro in no time!

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Photo by Shrutti Garg.

Giant Bubbles

If you're wanting to make giant bubbles, you can find the recipe here, and we'd be happy to provide you with some JLube (one of the ingredients that is trickier to find). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can put some in the mail pretty easily.



Face Paints / Body Stamps

face painting

Here's the big overview for DIY Facepainting. Check out how-tos for specific face painting designs on our Smugmug.

Rainbow stamps (like the ones pictured above) are even quicker and easier than face paints! Just go to Silly Farm and order a neon rainbow cake (this one and this one work well) and glitter.

You can make stamps in whatever shapes and sizes you want. Just stack foam shapes a few high and attach them to some sort of base, like a glue stick, wooden block, or empty glitter container.

You'll also need a foam brush or sponge and a spray bottle. Simply spray your brush and rainbow cake with water, rub the brush on the cake to pick up pigment, and press the stamp into the brush. Then stamp away, and squeeze some glitter on while the color is still wet!

Here's a video of how to make the stamps, and here's what the whole set-up looks like.

stamps kit

stamps on arms


Bonus Summer Fun: Block Parties and Stoop Sales!

The PSP Guide to ALL things Brooklyn Block Party

The PSP Guide to Block Party planning and permitting

The PSP Guide to buying great stuff at Stoop Sales

The PSP Guide to hosting a Stoop Sale


