Your FAQs about Kids and Travel

Going on vacation? Lucky you! Here is advice from PSP parents about kids and travel...

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I'm traveling with my baby for the first time, any words of wisdom? Read what parents have to say about traveling with a little baby HERE.

How do I breastfeed/ breastpump when traveling? Read advice from moms HERE about breastfeeding and pumping while traveling, including what to do at the airport & getting breast milk through security.

How do I get to the airport? Read our summary HERE on how to get to all the major NYC airports (JFK, Newark & La Guardia) by public transportation, taxi/ kid-friendly car services, and car (we also include a few tips about parking).

What can I do to keep my kids busy on the plane? To find out about ways to keep kids busy on the flight, read parent ideas & tips HERE.

How does bringing my car seat, stroller, crib on the plane work? Go HERE to find out about bringing car seats on board and find out more about bringing Strollers HERE.

How can a parent possibly travel light with all that Baby Gear? Read tips from PSP parents HERE about how to travel light - with baby stuff in tow!

How do you beat Jet Lag? Find out how parents have gotten through jetlag HERE.

Any tips for how to help my little one deal with Motion Sickness? Whether it is air, car, or general motion sickness, find advice to helping your tot HERE.

Can anyone recommend a pet sitter/ dog walker? To find out who PSP parents favorite pet sitters are, go to our recommendations category HERE to read more.

Safe Travels!


HAVING A STAYCATION? Why not play tourist in your own city? Here are PSP member recommended Tourist Activities for Tweens & Teenagers



