W/LB Tip #2: Blocking Time on Outlook

Creating time in your day by scheduling it!


Hi folks!   Happy to be writing to you with the second edition of Work/Life Balance Wednesday.

This week's tip is  BLOCKING TIME ON OUTLOOK.
Need to pump at 11 and 3?  Leave work at 5:25 to be at daycare by 6?   Feel badly if the day's gone by and you haven't had a moment to call and check in?   Schedule it.
* Make the appointments recur daily so they're there until you cancel.
* Set an alarm!--with a 15 minute warning...
* Instead of just writing "private appointment," be specific enough that you'll pay attention, like, "Phone call with JS" and "Travel to DC"  (daycare, that is!).  For pumping, of course, you might just want to list the time as "Blocked."
It's so easy to lose track of time at work, and your colleagues, nice as they might be, certainly aren't keeping track of your time for you.  But if there's a conflicting appointment on your calendar, they'll just schedule around it, and generally, without a second thought.  You'll be much more likely to actually do what you need to do for yourself and your family; you won't have to apologize for or explain your commitments; and you'll feel--and be--much more in control.
Please send me your tips!
All best,
PSP Work/Life Initiative


