Return to Work Resources

Park Slope Parents members on our Stay-at-Home Parents (SAHP) Group have recommended resources for a parent looking to rejoin the workforce after a three-year gap.

Whether you’re a SAHP or a working parent looking to network with others in your industry, PSP has a group for you! Join our community HERE; and if you’re already a member, get signed up for the SAHP Group, Career Networking Group, or specialty career groups HERE.

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While some of these suggestions are specifically geared to women, some to the financial industry, and some to women in the financial industry, many are also applicable to anyone who wants to re-enter the working world.


One member asks...


“I’ve been a stay-at-home parent for the past 3 years with 2 kids now and I’m ready to go back to work.  Unfortunately, with COVID happening, I’m feeling disoriented as to where/how to resume my career in financial services.  Would love to hear any advice on returning to work after a long leave.


Also any advice/insight on returnship would be greatly appreciated.”



Members suggest…



Job search and recruitment tools geared toward women and working moms:


PowerToFly: PowerToFly was formed in 2014 to connect Fortune 500 companies and fast-growing startups with women who are looking to work for companies that value gender diversity and inclusion.


The Mom Project: Founded by a mom of two, The Mom Project works to connect talented women with world‐class employers that respect work and life integration.


iRelaunch: Your essential guidebook and community for relaunchers, employers, universities & associations.



Online communities:


Brooklyn Mamas Lean In Network: A bunch of Brooklyn working moms trying to make it all work and advance their careers!


Fairygodboss: Discover jobs, read job reviews, and get advice from fellow women in the workplace.


RALLY from The Mom Project: Peer-to-peer mentoring network for working moms.



Articles from professionals who have been there, done that:


How to Make the Most of a Career Break: While the uncertainty may feel a bit overwhelming, there are ways to use a career break to your advantage.


A Social-Impact Success Story: Relauncher Jennifer Lazar Schiamberg, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Events at The Sohn Conference Foundation, shared her thoughts on her relaunch journey in the social-impact space with iRelaunch.


Getting An Internship As A Mid-Career Professional: Many mid-career professionals and encore careerists are turning to internships to advance their career, learn new skills, and make a social impact.



Seek out returnship programs at companies that interest you:


“A lot of financial companies have a return to work program and many SAHMs in finance come back through that channel. Might be something to look into.”


“I know for sure that Morgan Stanley, Goldman, and BOAML have returnship programs.”



Resources from PSP:


