How to be a great patron at bars/restaurants

In addition to being amazing places to eat, drink and make merry, our local restaurants and bars must keep their establishments safe, healthy, and running smoothly, not only for families but for all visitors. Given our interactions with businesses in the past, we know that there are many attempts to work with families before deciding to establish “kid-friendly” hours and rules. We know that it only takes a few people’s behavior to cause these changes, and we want to remind you that there are many citywide rules and safety regulations (FDNY and Department of Health) imposed on bars and restaurants—plus some simple steps you can take to be a wonderful patron.

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We ask that you be extra-considerate and neighborly at our local bars and restaurants, where people may be looking for a break from kids (theirs, others’, both) and could conceivably mistake our children's fabulosity for excess.  Here are some guidelines, recommendations and rules from local bars and restaurants that we’ve heard from over the past 15 years. We feel that these rules should apply to ALL families patronizing restaurants and bars so that these establishments remain welcoming to families. If you feel we’re missing anything from the list below, shoot us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll add it to the list.


Etiquette with Kids

👶 Children should be supervised at all times. Wait and bar staff are not babysitters.

👉 Stay within arm's reach of the kids you’re responsible for.

🪑 Do not let your child sit directly on the floor, either inside or outside.

👩‍👩‍👦 Keep young children with you at your table rather than having an unsupervised “kids table.”

🍴 If your child is throwing things onto the floor, do your best to stop the behavior and move things out of your child’s reach.

👟 Shoes and clothes must be worn at all times.

🧷 No changing diapers outside of the bathrooms. (This is a health issue and could result in hefty fines for a bar/restaurant. It’s also just ewww).

🚯 If you leave a dirty diaper in the bathroom garbage, wrap it up in something airtight.

🚗 If you are waiting outside, please do your best to not block the sidewalks or doorways.

😡 If your child is screaming or crying for more than 30 seconds and cannot be consoled, please be considerate and remove them from the scene until they are calm.

🗑️ Do your best to pick up after your kids if they make a giant mess.


Supporting the Venue

❓ Ask the venue for the best place to sit, especially if strollers are involved.

🪑 Consolidate tables if you can so other patrons have places to sit (but make sure to replace them at the end of your visit).

🔥 Strollers must not block the front entrance or emergency exits. (This is a fire hazard and could lead to unsafe conditions as well as fines for a bar/restaurant)

👞 Try to fold strollers and keep them out of the way of foot traffic. Make sure strollers aren't blocking access to other tables.


Being Space-Conscious

❓ Ask the venue for the best place to sit, especially if strollers are involved.

🪑 Consolidate tables if you can so other patrons have places to sit. If you move tables or chairs, though, make sure to replace them at the end of your visit.

👞 Try to fold strollers and keep them out of the way of foot traffic. Make sure strollers aren't blocking access to other tables.

🔈 Keep an eye on wandering kids, the noise they make in the venue, and the mess they make.

🚯 Do not change baby diapers on tables or benches (the business can receive health violations and it’s just ewwww!). If the place doesn’t have changing stations in bathrooms, put them in touch with PSP—there have been places who invest in changing stations if groups are regulars.


Being Mindful of the Staff

😊 Be patient with the staff, especially if there are more than 4 people.

💰 TIP GENEROUSLY, especially if you’re taking up seating for longer than normal (more than an hour). 🙏 Thank the staff and manager on the way out and make them want to ask you back. 😉


The overwhelming majority of our groups (especially our baby groups) have wonderful relationships with our local bars and restaurants. We want to do our best to ensure that these positive experiences continue. If you’re meeting up with your PSP group friends,  please buy something from the meet-up place, tip the baristas and wait-staff generously, pick up after yourselves, make sure you have everything you came with, and be the kind of people who management and staff want to welcome back.


Useful PSP reviews:

Kid Friendly Restaurants

Baby Friendly Meet Up Spots


