Double Parking Do & Don'ts

The Do's & Don'ts of double parking in New York City.



-- The law is that double parking is a no-no. The police seem to tolerate it during alternate side parking times, but you can get a ticket for boxing someone in. Blocking the bike lane is a no-no as well.

-- Being boxed in during street sweeping may be okay in some neighborhoods, but don’t assume that the person you box in won’t want to leave. That said, best to plan ahead if you know you want to leave during double parking times and know you may be boxed in.

-- Blocking people in? Leaving your contact information (phone or address/buzzer number) is the most neighborly thing to do. If you won’t be able to let someone out in less than five minutes, then try not to box anyone in.

-- If you can, pull in your side view mirrors.


bad alt side 1

Don’t double park when there is someone on the opposite side. It means that larger trucks can’t get through and you risk having your side view mirrors shaved.


-- Be sure to pull in as tight as you can, and make sure there's enough clearance for emergency vehicles and larger service vehicles to get through.


bad alt side 2

Bad parking could risk a life. Be sure you allow room for emergency vehicles to get by.


-- Calling 3-1-1 to get your car out if you’re boxed in could get tickets for everyone on the block.

-- Check with a school before assuming that school “no parking” signs are not enforced in the summer.

-- One PSP parent shares: "Do not double park during street cleaning on a block with a school. I was told by a police officer that they will definitely ticket if you double-park on a school block, no matter how well tolerated double parking is in that general neighborhood."

-- Double parking on the Park Slope Avenues is a no-no (even if you may have gotten away with it on occasion).

-- Advise your guests, workers, etc. about alternate side and the need to move their vehicles.

-- Different streets have different parking cultures. On some streets everyone sits in their car, while on other streets they move back to the “safe” side very early, so getting a spot is more difficult.

-- Do check this WNYC article and the DoT website for more alt side info.

-- HERE is a printable “here’s my number” sign we put together. There are two of them on a page. You can print it out, keep one in your dash, and put the other on a car who has blocked you in without a number so they will have one.


Further Reading on PSP:

To own or not to own a car in NYC (with plently more parking and driving tips too!)

Idiosyncrasies of Urban Life: Things to Know for Life in NYC/Brooklyn


