Better Than Sliced Bread (For Parking Scooters)

One parent's love tor finding a tool for organizing "scooter clutter"


Scooter-clutter BE GONE!


Every once in a while someone comes up with a Really Good Idea. I’m thinking of things like wheels on suitcases, swiveling wheels on suitcases, coffee cup lids that don’t leak, raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, etc. I recently discovered such an idea, an invention, really. I adore this thing so much, my heart leaps with joy each time I open my front door. It’s an idea that is just too good not to share, too great not to love. I am referring, of course, to the scooter stand.


If you have not investigated this product, you should. It’s hard to imagine, but this humble hunk of plastic has transformed our entry way from a tangle of dusty wheels and metal, to a serene oasis of order. The stand fits any scooter and can be drilled permanently to the floor to deter theft (by jealous neighbors?) or to accommodate heavier, wide-wheeled scooters. It’s so easy to use even a caveman could manage it.


I found two models: a swanky black version from RazrRak Inc and the exceedingly cheap and cheerful Scooter Stand (pictured above*) made by Wendan Enterprises, available in green, blue, red or black. Stands go for $5 to $15 on-line. Naturally, I bought the cheap one.

I have not yet found a local source but Little Things are on it. If you know of anywhere else, please tell This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I will gladly post it. In meantime, they are available on-line.



Little Things have confirmed that they WILL carry scooter stands HUZZAH!

For the record I have not received any compensation for recommending this truly life-changing product, just the satisfaction of helping to return the foyers of Brooklyn to the days of pre-scooter elegance.

Nancy McDermott, Scooter Mom

*the hideous dayglow label slips off easily


