HELP with your Nanny Taxes has arrived!

All the steps you need to know to comply with New York State and Federal laws concerning payroll, overtime, taxes and more with your Nanny
Guide NannyPayroll HWS
Park Slope Parents is all about helping parents develop and maintain positive relationships with their nannies. Regardless of whether your Nanny is on or off the books they are entitled to certain things (overtime, unemployment if you have to lay them off, etc.) As we've said over and over, the best way to legally protect yourself, and your nanny, is to pay “on the books”.
With that in mind we partnered with HomeWork Solutions ( to create a comprehensive guide that outlines all the steps you need to know to comply with New York State and Federal laws concerning payroll, overtime, taxes and more
lick here to download a free copy of the NY Household Payroll Quick Start Guide.


Just so you know, you'll need to supply your email to HWS to get the free download. They'll send you a few follow-ups over the coming weeks but you are not obligated to respond. (FWIW- If you're going to pay on the books I recommend using a service-- too many details and easy to miss something!)


Susan Fox

Founder, Park Slope Parents


About HomeWorkSolutions:


HomeWork Solutions is a nationally recognized expert on household employment taxes. Since 1993, they have helped thousands of employers with their household payroll and tax compliance responsibilities. While this guide provides an excellent overview, payroll taxes are complicated! Do not hesitate to call HomeWork Solutions to discuss your unique situation. Their friendly, knowledgeable staff is always available to answer your questions. 800.626.4829 (800 NANI TAX)


HomeWorkSolutions offers complimentary registration for Park Slope Parents members (typically $100)- just mention PSP if you use them!


