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Resources for Renting Woes

Whether you have to break your lease, your rent has risen dramatically, or you're being given notice that you have to leave your apartment, it can be hard to know what steps to take. If you’re finding yourself in a challenging situation with your apartment or small business venue, these resources and tips sourced from PSP members can help.



Moving Resources from Park Slope Parents


Here are useful links to bookmark and have handy as you prepare your move. We've got advice about the logistics of moving with small kids, what to tip movers, the differences of small vs. large moves, how to get your security deposit back, bed bugs (ugh), and more!   


TOP 12 Things to Think About When Moving (including what to tip movers!)

Moving can be a stressful time. But if you take steps to familiarize yourself with the way it is regulated and what rights and responsibilities you have, you'll likely have a much smoother move. Here are some things to think about as you prepare for your move.

Need some tips for making the transition with kids run more smoothly?  Check out our Moving with Kids article.  

Image by Nicolas Huk

Moving beyond Park Slope

Are you currently agonizing over moving out of the ‘hood and exploring what options there are beyond Park Slope?

Security Deposit Tips

One PSP member and licensed Real Estate Broker shares all you need to know for avoiding a security deposit "situation"

Bad Landlords and Bed Bug Disclosure

A guide to helping you find bad landlords and bed bug history in the house hunt!


Moving Resources

Utilities, moving boxes, and beyond.



Moving with Children

Advice from PSP members about making the transition to a new home as smooth as possible—before, during, and after the move.


