Do you have Work/Life Balance? If you don't, then check out this section and help keep the mayhem at bay.

We also have a great set of Work/Life Balance Tips that were posted to our Career Networking group.


If you haven't already, join PSP Career Networking to be part of an ongoing dialogue that covers each of these issues, and also check out these pages:


Time and Sanity Saving Tips for Parents

Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Trying to balance cooking, cleaning, and parenting in general is not an easy task. The good news is that you are not alone! The Park Slope Parents Working Moms group had a discussion of how to make life less hectic that they have found to help stave off the insanity. We have compiled the helpful tips and advice on how to balance it all while still finding time for yourself.

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Co-sleeping and Returning to Work

The following thread originally appeared on our Working Moms Group about how to transition from a bed-sharing situation with your little one and returning to work.. Be sure to check out more general advice from PSP members about co-sleeping here!

How to Make Work and Two Kids Work

A parent asks the Working Moms Specialty Group how they manage working and transitioning from one kid to two...

Working Parent Guilt: Perspectives and Pep Talks from PSP Members

Working full-time, considering enrolling your little one in daycare, preschool, or a nanny, and contending with guilt about being away from them all day? You’re not alone.

Below, check out words of wisdom from working parents who have handled this transition—and if you’re not yet a member of PSP, join us today to connect with a support group who can help you through the ups and downs of work, life, and raising kids in Brooklyn.

The Work-from-Home Parent’s Guide to Finding a Nanny

Looking for a nanny is always an involved process, and if you work from home full-time, there are additional considerations to factor in. Here, you’ll find experiences from WFH parents who have successfully navigated the hiring process.

No matter your working situation, be sure to review the PSP Guide to Hiring a Nanny for help with all steps of the process—from posting an ISO ad to welcoming your new nanny into your home.

Remote Work Secrets from PSP Members

Onboarding a new role remotely for the first time? PSP members have tips for a smooth transition.

Balancing work and taking care of your kids full-time? Also check out WFH without childcare: Top tips for making it work.

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Join us today and get connected to your community. If you’re a member who’d like to join the Working Moms Group, head HERE!

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Supporting Your Partner During Business Travel

Leaving your family at home when you’re away on business can be a challenge. Below are tips from our PSP Dads on making things easier on your partner—and therefore on yourself as well.

Want to connect with fellow working parents? Find the Career Networking GroupHERE in your PSP membership account, the Dads GroupHERE, and the Working Moms GroupHERE.

Not yet a member of PSP?Join us today to get connected to dozens of specialty groups for all

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PSP Productivity Hacks

Park Slope Parents held a brainstorming session for folks to share their productivity secrets, including email hacks, hidden gems from the App Store, and strategies for staying focused.

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Return to Work Resources

Park Slope Parents members on our Stay-at-Home Parents (SAHP) Group have recommended resources for a parent looking to rejoin the workforce after a three-year gap.

Whether you’re a SAHP or a working parent looking to network with others in your industry, PSP has a group for you! Join our community HERE; and if you’re already a member, get signed up for the SAHP Group, Career Networking Group, or specialty career groups HERE.

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Banishing Zoom Fatigue: Tips for Spicing Up Your Next Meeting or Gathering

“Oops, I think you’re on mute.” “Okay, can you all see my screen?” “Please place your questions in the chat.” At this point, you’re likely all too familiar with the soundtrack of a Zoom meeting—and no, you’re not alone in your fatigue with this format. That’s why we’ve compiled suggestions from our creative community members—plus spilling a few secrets sourced directly from PSP headquarters!

These ideas are equally suitable for opening a


Working Moms Pep Talk

When one mother wrote to the group worried about going back to work, positive responses came pouring in. Here, we pulled together their replies. In sum: you got this!

Q&A With a Better Balance About the New Paid Family Leave Laws in New York State

Paid family leave in New York goes into effect on January 1, 2018. And those who have kids in 2017 may take paid family leave in 2018, as long as they take leave within a year of the birth.

 In response to the many questions on various Park Slope Parents listserves, Park Slope parent & ABB Board Member Elizabeth Saylor put together the below question and answer. Molly Weston Williamson, a staff attorney at A Better Balance, helped her with this.


How to Deal with a Deliquent Client

PSP member advice for dealing with a client that does not pay their invoice.

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How to handle a sick kid and childcare

Coughs and sniffles, fevers and colds. Your kid is sick and how do you determine when they are too sick to go to daycare with a nasty cold or another common bug? How do you handle back-up childcare if you have to miss multiple days of work? How do you negotiate which partner stays home, especially when one or both partners has the kind of job that can't really be done from home?

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The PSP Guide to Securing Backup/ Emergency/ Last Minute Childcare

Uh oh. You’ve found yourself needing unexpected childcare. Maybe your nanny or babysitter has just called in sick or you are a freelancer and a job just came in at short notice. Or something else has come up and you find yourself needing a babysitter. What can you do?  


Commuting Into Manhattan for Daycare

Stay local for childcare, or take the kids on the subway?  Here are some words of experience.


Separation Anxiety with Baby: Adjusting to Nanny

Working moms talk about how their baby adjusted to nanny and overcoming baby’s separation anxiety.


Maternity Leave for a Nanny: What to do When Your Nanny is Pregnant

Wondering what to expect your nanny is expecting? What do you do when your nanny is pregnant? How do you manage maternity leave? Or what if they want to bring their baby to work? PSP members share how they handled their caregiver expecting their own little one.


Advice for Helping Your Partner Return to Work After Maternity/ Parental Leave

One dad's awesome advice for how he and his transitioned into working life after maternity leave.

Software systems and apps for managing multiple projects and deadlines

PSP members share the tools, software and approaches for managing projects deadlines and teams.


PSP's Guide to an Awesome Resume

We share our resumes do’s and don’ts - plus advice from PSP members about how SAHMs handle the employment gap when they transition back to the work force.


How to Tell Your Spouse You Don't Want to Work With Them

In these tough economic times where the job market is hard, sometimes you want your partner wants you to help work your connections for them and get them a job. But what happens when you don't want to work with them? Here is one member's story, and the advice she received about how to handle it.

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How to Stay Organized and Get Focused

Parents share how they get organized at work (and also at home) and talk tips, strategies and more about how to stay focused on the job.

We Can Do It

Work/Life Balance—The Conversation Begins

One simple question on one of the PSP lists about starting a new job after maternity leave evolved from a conversation of practical advice to an engaging dialogue about the political system, social dilemmas, and work culture policies surrounding and impacting parenthood. This summary pulls both the practical tips and political critique that came out of this lively conversations...


Can working parents realistically pick up their children from daycare/preschool at 6pm?

A PSP member asks the group how working parents can realistically pick up children from daycare by 6pm.  Members share their experiences of how they manage busy work schedules with strict pick up times.

Negotiating Severance

You just found out your position is being made redundant. You probably have many questions about what to do next and how to handle this new situation.  With the resulting schock that this news can put you in, it can be hard to think about how to best protect yourself when negotiating things like a severance package.  Take a deep breath and a few moments to read what PSP members have to say about their experiences when they were laid off and how


Nonprofit Resources

Here are a list of resources PSP members have found helpful for their Non Profit Organizations.

Asking for a Raise

Members from the PSP Career Networking Group weigh in on how to ask for more money in your current position.

Resources for Working Parents

Working and parenting are each tough enough.   Managing both together--well now we've got a juggling act!  PSP is here to help!   To do this, we've got some great initiatives under our way to help you network and find job opportunities, develop your business or career, and do it all in a way that maximizes your sanity and allows you to enjoy and appreciate the toughest job of all, being a parent.

Book List: Leadership Book Recommendations

Original poster asks:

 “I'm looking for some book recommendations for an individual who is transitioning from a staff position to a leadership position at their company. This transition requires them to adjust their skill set and approach, and I wonder if there are any books out there to help those stepping up in such a way to restructure their thinking a bit. Any ideas?”

